25 March 2010

The Magic of Quinoa

Quinoa, a relatively new grain to the US food market, has been gaining momentum as a substitute for popular food staples like rice, bulgur, couscous, and even pasta. Originating from the Andean mountains of Peru, quinoa was a staple of the Incan diet. What makes this grain so versatile and unique? First, the nutritional value of this grain is beyond its competitors – and it is suitable for a gluten-free diet. Quinoa is important in a vegan diet because it is high in all 7 essential amino acids – namely, lysine. Why is lysine so important to vegans? Lysine is an essential amino acid that is not present in high enough amounts in most plant foods.

When following a vegan diet, it is important to combine foods effectively to ensure you get a complete protein. A complete protein is one that provides all the essential amino acids (the ones your body doesn’t produce naturally), in the proper ratios, necessary for proper muscular nourishment and development. Most plant foods, like leafy greens, wheat and rice, provide partial, or incomplete protein. When you use quinoa in your cooking, you can ensure that you get sufficient amounts of these amino acids in your meal.
Quinoa has a distinctive, nutty aroma and flavor when cooked. You may notice, perhaps even intrigued, by the curly pieces of germ in the quinoa. When cooked, the quinoa seed expands and the germ pops, producing the curly-cues you see. Quinoa has a slightly al dente texture, providing another component of gastronomical delight. Be careful not to salt your water when you are cooking quinoa, as the presence of salt will intensify; only salt the quinoa after cooking to get the right balance of flavor. Served on its own, with a light drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and some fresh ground pepper, quinoa is the perfect antidote to a humdrum diet. And, because it is high in fiber and protein, you don’t have to feel guilty about indulging your carbohydrate cravings.

*If you want to add some flare to a dish, try using red quinoa. Some stores will have this in their bulk section next to the more readily available white quinoa. Although there is no real taste difference, it can make you feel a bit exotic eating such a beautiful food.

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