31 March 2010

Recipe # 6: Cinnamon Roll Oatmeal

If you find yourself missing a tasty pastry, nothing will fill your body with more delight than this spin on classic oatmeal.  Steel-cut oats are the whole version of traditional rolled oats; the groats are cut by a steel blade into small pieces, as opposed to literally rolling the groats flat after they have been cut to size.  By keeping the groat intact, your body has to work harder and longer to break the oats down into digestible pieces, lowering the glycemic index by nearly 30% when compared to rolled oats.  This lower glycemic index causes less of a spike in insulin levels, which is crucial to keeping your body and mind at prime functioning levels.  Making the oatmeal with soymilk completes the protein, making it rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber.  The raw agave nectar (the darker version) lends a rich, buttery taste and a light sweetness that is more forgiving on your blood sugar levels, since it is very low on the glycemic index for sweeteners.  You’ll never look at oatmeal the same!

Cinnamon Roll Oatmeal

2 cups unsweetened soymilk
1 cup water
1 cup steel-cut oats
2-3 Tbsp raw agave nectar (depending on your desired sweetness)
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp sea salt

Combine the soymilk and water in a 3 qt saucepan and bring to a boil, uncovered, over medium-high heat.  Watch the pot closely, as the liquid can boil over very quickly once the boiling point is reached.  Add the oats, agave nectar, cinnamon and sea salt; stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure the cinnamon doesn’t clump.  Reduce to a simmer, and continue cooking, uncovered, for 25 minutes.  Remove from the heat, cover, and let sit for 5 minutes.  There may be some liquid left over, as this will be absorbed while the pot is covered.  You may want to top the oatmeal with blueberries or raspberries for a special touch; you could even add some soy whipped cream to take it to a more gourmet level!

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